Introduction:Hemp is often associated with its close relative, marijuana, but it is not the same plant. Hemp is a type of cannabis plant that has low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoac..
For countless generations, mankind has grown hemp plants for many reasons, such as food, health care, and textile products. Hemp is purported to be one of the first plants men farmed for nutritional a..
Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown specifically for industrial or medicinal use and has a fascinating and extensive history. Cannabis was first used in t..
Hemp has been around for hundreds and thousands of years, and people have used it for several purposes since then. While ancient men were fond of Hemp, today's modern men also recognize this holistic ..
Do you know that hemp and India have a rich history together? Hemp has been used in India for centuries, and it has its roots in Ayurveda.However, hemp has had a stormy past in India. People are now ..
Some people consider hemp a contentious herb, but this isn't the case.Hemp is a type of Cannabis sativa primarily bred for its fiber rather than its psychotropic properties. Many hemp cultivars contai..